WSGA Policies and Procedures

To ensure that our members have the best possible experience when competing in a Women’s Southern Golf Association (WSGA) event, it is helpful to be knowledgeable of the following information, as established by the association. Upon completion and confirmation of entry, all players have agreed to abide by all Women’s Southern Golf Association (WSGA) Policies and Procedures (including Code of Conduct, Dress Codes, No Cards, Disqualifications, and any special guidelines for specific events), Conditions of Competitions and Standard Local Rules. Players are subject to rejections of entries if they fail to adhere to the Policies and Procedures set forth. Final decisions on these will be made by the WSGA Decisions Committee.

Policies and Procedures

Contestants are to observe proper golf etiquette at all times. Any abuse or disrespect of a fellow competitor, officials, spectators, employees of the host facility, or other persons conducting or attending a WSGA sponsored event can be grounds for disqualification from the event, and possible rejection of entry for future WSGA events. Such abuse may be verbal or physical or threat thereof and includes, but is not limited to: the use of obscene language, physical damage to property or equipment including that of the WSGA or the host facility and being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance during a competitive round.


Each competition has its own specific tournament eligibility criteria (i.e. maximum handicap index, age requirements, etc.) Please reference the specific tournament you are interested in for further details. In general, to be eligible for a Women’s Championship, all applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a female amateur golfer.
  • Have an active WHS Handicap and/or handicap index established at her club/course.
Entry Procedure

All players must complete the online entry process by the published deadline(s) for each tournament. Each WSGA competition has a specific designated field limit and entry procedure. Late entries, entries which are incomplete or inaccurate, regardless of cause or reason, will not be accepted. Each entry is subject to review and approval; the Championship Committee reserves the right to reject an entry at any time.

Wait List

Applicants will be ranked on the wait list in the order specified in the entry process. Any spots in the field that become available will be filled in accordance with the ranked wait list.

Handicap Revisions & Effective Date

For WSGA competitions where a maximum USGA Handicap Index is required for eligibility, the handicap index as of the date of entry closing will be used unless otherwise specified on entry and eligibility information.

Withdraw Procedure

Prior to the entry deadline players looking to withdraw should do so online through their Golf Genius profile to receive an immediate refund and withdrawal. After the entry deadline has passed, players should either call Kristi Knight at (214) 468-8942 or email at Only withdrawals on the day of the competition should be directed to the host club golf shop.

Withdraw, Disqualifications & Incomplete Scorecards

To provide further clarity to player withdrawals, no cards and disqualifications, the following categories and notations will be used on score cards and posted results, if:

Withdraw – WD

A player notifies WSGA Staff and/or Official in advance of their starting time that they are withdrawing. Withdrawals occurring between stipulated rounds played over consecutive days will result in the player being withdrawn from the next round, not the previous round most recently completed.A player notifies WSGA Staff and/or Officials that, during a round, they are withdrawing due to, but not limited to medical conditions, injuries or family emergencies, etc. Players failing to complete their round for reasons not covered above will be deemed a No Card.

No Card – NC

A player who starts, but does not complete her round, will be classified as a no card if she fails to return her scorecard to the Committee, or fails to complete her round for reasons not covered by the withdrawal circumstances noted above.

Disqualification – DQ

A player will be noted as disqualified, if she is subject to a penalty of disqualification under the USGA Rules of Golf, WSGA Conditions of Competition and Standard Local Rules. Players are subject to rejection of entries if they fail to adhere to the Women’s Policies and Procedures set forth, that include Withdrawals, No Cards and Disqualifications. Final decisions on these matters will be made by the WSGA Championship Decisions Committee.

Refund Policy

If a player withdraws prior to the entry withdraw date she will receive a full refund, less a $25.00 administrative fee. If a player withdraws after the withdraw date has passed, the player will not receive a refund.

Dress Code

Appropriate golf attire is required at all WSGA events. Shoes with metal or traditionally-designed spikes must not be worn. In the event of any conflicts between the dress code as outlined by either the WSGA or the host facility/venue, the dress code of the host facility/venue will prevail. Please note that this policy is in effect for players without exception.


Information regarding the use and availability of transportation varies between WSGA Championships – refer to Tournament Information for the championship in question. In doing so, carts will be limited to two (2) carts per group.

WSGA Transportation of Players

When riding in a golf cart, there may not be more than two (2) riders per cart at any time. Riders may not ride on the back of a golf cart, or on the dashboard of the golf cart. All riders must be seated on the golf cart seat.

During a suspension of play for a dangerous situation, there may be more than two (2) riders per cart, but all riders must be seated on the golf cart seat. Riders may not ride on the back of a golf cart, or on the dashboard of the golf cart at any time.

During a suspension of play for a non-dangerous situation or a resumption of play, there may not be more than two (2) riders per cart. This includes the person driving the cart, even if that is a spectator or volunteer.


No caddies are permitted in WSGA Championships.

Posting Scores to GHIN

Tournament scores in individual stroke play rounds will automatically be posted as a “C-score” for handicap purposes to your home club/course. Therefore, players inIndividual Stroke Play competitions do NOT need to post their tournament scores to avoid duplication.



Terms of the Competition

The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and the R&A govern play. These Local Rules and Terms of the competition are in effect at all WSGA Championships and qualifying rounds. See applicable championship or qualifying round Notice to Players and Tournament Information for modifications or additions to these Local Rules and Terms of the Competition. Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2019.

The Women’s Southern Golf Association (WSGA) Tournament Rules Committee shall have the final decision on all claims and disputes. The following Conditions of Competition apply for all WSGA events.

Upon completion and confirmation of entry, all players have agreed to abide by all Women’s Southern Golf Association Policies and Procedures – including Conditions of Competition, Code of Conduct, Dress Code, and any special guidelines for specific events.

When a Scorecard has been Returned

Scorecards must be attested and returned immediately after the completion of a round to the designated WSGA scoring area. The scorecard is considered returned when the player has left the designated scoring area.

When a Competition is Final

The competition is final when the trophy has been presented to the winner or, in absence of a prize ceremony, when all scores have been approved by the Committee. The result of a match is final when the Committee has approved the result as posted on the public scoreboard or website.



Local Rules (Hard Card)

The Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and the R&A govern play. These Local Rules and Terms of the competition are in effect at all WSGA championships and qualifying rounds. See applicable championship or qualifying round Notice to Players and Tournament Information for modifications or additions to these Local Rules and Terms of the Competition. Complete text of the Rules and Local Rules may be found in the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf, effective January 2019.

The Women’s Southern Golf Association (WSGA) Tournament Rules Committee shall have the final decision on all claims and disputes. The following Local Rules and Terms of the Competition apply for all WSGA events. Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty:

  • Match play – Loss of hole
  • Stroke play – Two strokes

Out of Bounds:  Defined by inside points, at ground level, of white stakes and fence posts or white lines. Objects defining out of bounds are NOT obstructions and are deemed to be fixed. [Rule 8.1a & Definition of Boundary Object].
Penalty Areas:  Defined by yellow stakes/lines or by red stakes/lines. When both stakes and lines are used to define Penalty Areas, stakes identify and lines define the margin. The stakes or lines are in the penalty area. When a penalty area is defined on only one side, it extends to infinity. When a penalty area is connected to the out of bounds edge, the penalty area extends to and coincides with the out of bounds. [Rule 17].

Ground Under Repair:  Defined by white lines. French drains are ground under repair. [Rule 16.1]. Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage including areas where traffic has combined with wet conditions to affect materially the ground surface, but only when so declared by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an immovable obstruction, such an area is part of that obstruction.

Seams of Cut Turf:  Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-7: If a player’s ball lies in or touches a seam of cut turf or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing:

(A) Ball in General Area. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.
(B) Ball on Putting Green. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d.

But interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance. All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief. This means that if a player has interference from any seam after dropping the ball, the player must proceed as required under Rule 14.3c(2) even when the ball is still within one club-length of the reference point.

Fire Ant Hills:  Relief procedure under Rule 16.2b, Dangerous Animal Condition. When the ball lies in a penalty area, it may be dropped in the penalty area for free relief or outside the penalty area for one penalty stroke. [Rule 16.2b].

Worn Areas Tied into Artificially Surfaced Roads and Path:  These worn areas have the same status as the roads and paths, that of immovable obstructions. [Rule 16.1].

Embedded Ball:  Relief without penalty allowed ONLY when the ball is embedded in its own pitch mark as the result of the previous stroke and part of it is below the level of the ground in the General Area or on the Putting Green.

Exception:  A player may NOT take relief under this Rule if the ball is embedded in sand in a part of the General Area that is not cut to fairway height or less. [Rule 16.3a].

Use of Distance Measuring Devices:  In all WSGA competitions, a player may obtain distance information by use of a Distance-Measuring Device (DMD). If, during a competition round, a player uses a DMD to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect her play (e.g., elevation changes, wind speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 4.3. Penalty: 1st breach – General Penalty; 2nd breach – Disqualification.

Wood Chips and Mulch:  Are loose impediments, unless otherwise provided for in Notice to Players.

Immovable Obstructions:  (A) White lined areas tying into immovable obstructions have the same status as the obstruction and are not ground under repair. (B) Landscaped or garden areas (flower beds, shrubberies, or the like) completely encircled by an obstruction are part of the obstruction. (C) Exposed liners in bunkers. (D) Where the outside edge (non-golf course side) of a road or path defines out of bounds, the road or path is an immovable obstruction.

Integral Parts of the Course:  Includes cables, rods, wires and wrappings when closely attached to tree, and artificial walls and pilings when located within penalty areas. Artificial walls and pilings when used to define the margin of bunkers are integral parts of the course and deemed to be in the general area. No relief without penalty.

Ball Deflected by Permanent Elevated Power Lines and Cables:  If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit a permanent elevated power line or cable during the play of a hole, the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made. [Rule 14.6].

Temporary Immovable Obstructions:  Tents, signage, electronic scoreboards, circulation fans and any other temporary structures installed specifically for this championship are deemed to be Temporary Immovable Obstructions. Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. [Model Local Rule F-23].

Staked Trees:  If the lie of the ball, stance, and/or area of intended swing is interfered with by a stake that is attached to a tree, the stake/rope/wire is treated as an obstruction. Relief without penalty from the tree itself is not allowed. [Rule 16.1].

Damage by Non-Burrowing Animals:  Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. Model Local Rule F-10: In the general area, areas of damage caused by non-burrowing animals are treated as ground under repair from which relief is allowed under Rule 16.1b.

Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Greens:  Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect when the ball and the obstruction are in part of the general area are cut to fairway height or less. Model Local Rule F-5: Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1.

The player also has these extra options to take relief when such immovable obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play:

Ball in General Area Cut to Fairway Height or Less:  The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is on the line of play, and is:

  • Within two club-lengths of the putting green, and​
  • Within two club-lengths of the ball.

Exception – No Relief If Line of Play Clearly Unreasonable:  There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.

List of Conforming Driver Heads:  Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. [Model Local Rule G-1].

List of Conforming Golf Balls:  Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. [Model Local Rule G-3].

Pace of Play:  See supplemental memo for pace of play policies and penalties. [Rule 5.6a].

Stopping and Resuming Play:  Local Rule as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect. [Model Local Rule J-1].

All practice areas are closed during an immediate suspension for a dangerous situation until the Committee has declared them open. Player who practices on closed practice areas will be asked to stop practicing; failure to stop practicing might result in disqualification.

An immediate suspension will be signaled by one prolonged airhorn note. All other types of suspension will be signaled by three consecutive airhorn notes. Resumption of play will be signaled by two short airhorn notes.

Practice: Prior to and after their round in stroke play, a player may practice on the designated practice areas. Rule 5.2b covering practice in stroke play is modified in this way: A player may not practice on the competition course before or between rounds. Penalty for breach of Local Rule, See Rule 5.2.



Each competition has its own specific tournament eligibility criteria (i.e. maximum handicap index, age requirements, etc.) Please reference the specific tournament you are interested in for further details. In general, to be eligible for a Women’s Championship, all applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a female amateur golfer.
  • Have an active WHS Handicap and/or handicap index established at her club/course.
Entry Procedure

All players must complete the online entry process by the published deadline(s) for each tournament. Each WSGA competition has a specific designated field limit and entry procedure. Late entries, entries which are incomplete or inaccurate, regardless of cause or reason, will not be accepted. Each entry is subject to review and approval; the Championship Committee reserves the right to reject an entry at any time.

Wait List

Applicants will be ranked on the wait list in the order specified in the entry process. Any spots in the field that become available will be filled in accordance with the ranked wait list.

Handicap Revisions & Effective Date

For WSGA competitions where a maximum USGA Handicap Index is required for eligibility, the handicap index as of the date of entry closing will be used unless otherwise specified on entry and eligibility information.

Withdraw Procedure

Prior to the entry deadline players looking to withdraw should do so online through their Golf Genius profile to receive an immediate refund and withdrawal. After the entry deadline has passed, players should either call Kristi Knight at (214) 468-8942 or email at Only withdrawals on the day of the competition should be directed to the host club golf shop.

Withdraw, Disqualifications & Incomplete Scorecards

To provide further clarity to player withdrawals, no cards and disqualifications, the following categories and notations will be used on score cards and posted results, if:

Withdraw – WD

A player notifies WSGA Staff and/or Official in advance of their starting time that they are withdrawing. Withdrawals occurring between stipulated rounds played over consecutive days will result in the player being withdrawn from the next round, not the previous round most recently completed.A player notifies WSGA Staff and/or Officials that, during a round, they are withdrawing due to, but not limited to medical conditions, injuries or family emergencies, etc. Players failing to complete their round for reasons not covered above will be deemed a No Card.

No Card – NC

A player who starts, but does not complete her round, will be classified as a no card if she fails to return her scorecard to the Committee, or fails to complete her round for reasons not covered by the withdrawal circumstances noted above.

Disqualification – DQ

A player will be noted as disqualified, if she is subject to a penalty of disqualification under the USGA Rules of Golf, WSGA Conditions of Competition and Standard Local Rules. Players are subject to rejection of entries if they fail to adhere to the Women’s Policies and Procedures set forth, that include Withdrawals, No Cards and Disqualifications. Final decisions on these matters will be made by the WSGA Championship Decisions Committee.

Refund Policy

If a player withdraws prior to the entry withdraw date she will receive a full refund, less a $25.00 administrative fee. If a player withdraws after the withdraw date has passed, the player will not receive a refund.

Dress Code

Appropriate golf attire is required at all WSGA events. Shoes with metal or traditionally-designed spikes must not be worn. In the event of any conflicts between the dress code as outlined by either the WSGA or the host facility/venue, the dress code of the host facility/venue will prevail. Please note that this policy is in effect for players without exception.


Information regarding the use and availability of transportation varies between WSGA Championships – refer to Tournament Information for the championship in question. In doing so, carts will be limited to two (2) carts per group.

WSGA Transportation of Players

When riding in a golf cart, there may not be more than two (2) riders per cart at any time. Riders may not ride on the back of a golf cart, or on the dashboard of the golf cart. All riders must be seated on the golf cart seat.

During a suspension of play for a dangerous situation, there may be more than two (2) riders per cart, but all riders must be seated on the golf cart seat. Riders may not ride on the back of a golf cart, or on the dashboard of the golf cart at any time.

During a suspension of play for a non-dangerous situation or a resumption of play, there may not be more than two (2) riders per cart. This includes the person driving the cart, even if that is a spectator or volunteer.


No caddies are permitted in WSGA Championships.

Posting Scores to GHIN

Tournament scores in individual stroke play rounds will automatically be posted as a “C-score” for handicap purposes to your home club/course. Therefore, players inIndividual Stroke Play competitions do NOT need to post their tournament scores to avoid duplication.



Spectator Guidelines

Unless otherwise noted in specific Championship Information, WSGA competitions and our host venues welcome spectators at no charge. Spectators are reminded of the following guidelines to ensure that they have an enjoyable experience while at a WSGA Competition:

  • WSGA Competitions focus on the competitors and our member clubs who graciously host competitions each year. Spectators are reminded that they are guests of our host clubs and must abide by their rules and regulations as set forth, which may include conduct, accessibility or dress codes.
  • Spectators are expected to respect competitors, staff and volunteers from the host club, as well as WSGA staff and tournament officials.
  • Spectators may be asked to check-in at the entrance to a host club for further information; host clubs reserve the right to limit access to their premises at their discretion. Any additional host club polices will be communicated at this time or posted on the WSGA Information Board on-site.
  • Spectators may walk on the golf course, but must not enter any area defined by signage, fencing, ropes or similar infrastructure, which limits spectator access.
  • Spectator carts are prohibited. However, spectators in accordance of ADA compliance may request golf carts. Requests for golf carts must be supported by complete documentation, including the fully completed Cart Request Form and the required accompanying medical documentation specified in that form for all first-time requests. Any medical cart request that is granted by the WSGA will be good for that individual for the remainder of that calendar season. A request will not be deemed complete until all required information and documentation has been provided. For further information and details contact Tournament Director, Kristi Knight at
WSGA Internal Medical Cart Policy

Granted medical carts will have individual cart signs staged with volunteer carts for the event, with keys removed so that the individual will need to check in and fulfill the payment with the golf shop.

Submissions received prior to the event will be communicated with the host club to accommodate the requested carts as well as the mandatory four (4) carts available for day-of medical cart requests. The Staff-in-Charge or Official-in-Charge at each event will have the ability to grant a medical cart on-site to any individual that provides the proper documentation (as what is required when filling out the form on the WSGA website). This policy is to align with the American Disabilities Act and equal accommodation for every spectator.

Any spectator who does not abide by the guidelines noted above will be asked to leave the grounds immediately and risks the ability to attend future WSGA Competitions in any capacity.


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